Trend Line Management (TLM) help companies and individuals to grow through the effective Measurement, Management and Development of people and systems.


“The best dashboard ever.”~ Eugene Minnie: Business Manager-Allergan
“I found the training to be very valuable in my Sales Team Leader role. It gave me a great tool to improve my coaching, measure the sales team and identify who is suited to a more external role.”~ Jonathan Newton: Sales Team Leader
Let us help you Grow your Company & Sales with:
- John Maxwell Training
- Trend Line Management App
- Trend Line Management (TLM) drives performance development and growth.
- Company specific Key Performance Indicators are identified and measured through the TLM-growth App. It consolidates Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) from different data sets offering effective and trustworthy league tables – the input drives the output.
- The gap between top and bottom performers are identified and closed through training and development.
- As an accredited John Maxwell trainer, training is focused on Leadership development. In addition TLM also offers Consultative Selling Skills.
Following this trusted growth-process our clients have delivered significant success for their companies and employees alike – we would love to do the same for you!
Trend Line Management offer base-line selling skills assessment whereby the gap is identified between bottom and top performers.
The TLM App provides objective league tables of consolidated Data and KPI’s.