What we do
Trend Line Management (TLM) help companies and individuals to grow through the effective Measurement, Management and Development of people and systems.

Strategic planning and facilitation provides the base for future growth
- Where are you?
- Value chain and Transaction model analyses
- SWOT analyses
- Resources and organisational structure
- Gap analyses
- What is your BHAG…that Big Hairy Audacious Goal?
- How can you get there?
- Key Leverage points are identified – the key is to focus on your strengths
- How can you ensure getting there?
- Actions, Timelines and Responsibilities are confirmed
- If I plan the work, I do the work. If we plan the work, we do the work
- Where are you?
The TLM Growth-App
- drives Performance Development of your most important asset, your people.
- measures and consolidates the growth trend of your Key Performance Drivers and highlights the gap between top and bottom performers so that we can close the gap through training and development
Base-line selling skills assessment
External or internal assessors determine the effectiveness of the sales force through a rigorous selling skills assessment.
The results are quantified and the gap closed through future training and development.
Everything rises and falls on leadership
“The higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership.
The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be.
Whatever you will accomplish is restricted by your ability to lead others.” John C Maxwell
We move leaders and teams from micro-management to macro-management to self-management.
We encourage coaching vs mentor-ship…as John Maxwell says: “sometimes you work for me, sometimes I work for you”
We manage the Trend and reward YTD performance.
Accredited John Maxwell coaching modules:
- Leadership development
- 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership & Coaching with structure
- it’s about GROWTH
- 15 Laws of Growth.
- Leadership development
TLM Consultative Selling skills
- Helping sales teams identify the difference between Selling, Telling and Consulting
- It is about relationship, trust and putting the customer’s needs first
Success is built on identifying and measuring your team’s relevant Key Performance Indicators
It is a set of quantifiable measures that a company or industry uses to gauge or compare performance in terms of meeting their strategic and operational goals. KPI’s vary between companies and industries, depending on their priorities or performance criteria.